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Jetson Magma Hoverboard
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Jetson Magma Hoverboard

Product ID: 460423056
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Fun is sure to erupt when riding the Jetson Black Magma All-Terrain Hoverboard. Designed to show off hot looks with edge outlines that light up spectacularly, the Magma also provides a balanced ride that is perfect for both novice and seasoned riders. Whatever your riding level, everyone can enjoy the Jetson Magma All-Terrain Hoverboard. Its Active Balance Technology makes riding foolproof. It uses internal sensors that help keep you level and stable as you ride. With a 400-watt motor, the Magma is built to handle whatever you can throw at it. Add to that the Jetson Magma’s robust all-terrain tires mean that this is one board that can deal with off-road and on-road, with no problem. The Jetson Magma has a top speed of 10 mph while a long-lasting rechargeable lithium-ion battery that is fully charged in up to 3 hours provides an impressive range of up to 8 miles. If you are looking for fun, the Jetson Magma All-Terrain Hoverboard promises to be a real blast. 400-watt hub motor: the Magma can reach a top speed of 10 mph to let you zip around town. Be Electric: The Magma runs on 100% electric power. Max Range: The long-lasting rechargeable lithium-ion battery is fully charged in up to 3 hours and provides an impressive range of up to 8 miles. Smooth Ride: The Magma's All-Terrain Wheels ensure a smooth and safe ride Max Speed: Up to 10 mph Max Range: Up to 8 Miles Battery: 36V, 2.0Ah Lithium-Ion Motor: 400W Dual Hub Motor Product Weight: 16 lb Product Dimensions: 23.5" x 7.3" x 7" Tire Size: 6.5" Charger: UL listed, 100-240V Climbing Angle: Up to 15° Weight Limit: 200 lb Recommended Age: 12+

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I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago